When something is so good or desirable that one would perform the most unthinkable act to acquire or defend the possession of. To make a quick motion to draw one's handgun from its holster, especially in a duel in the Old West.Ī mild or too-mild punishment a reprimand. Something unexpectedly said or done which causes shock or offense an insult, rebuke, or rebuff. To browbeat or reprimand someone harshly, usually in front of other people.Ī Threat to Inflict Violence, 'hand to face' or 'hand to head' or 'fists to body' of the victim of the threatened violence. Mild or playful kissing, cuddling, and other amorous play. I highly recommend this for Korean learners.Used other than as an idiom: see slap, in, the, face. Now, you know the top 15 bad Korean words, curses and insults. My palms are sweaty from from giving you all these bad Korean words and curses. If someone’s trying to get smart with you – remind them who they are. Maybe they overdosed on coffee at Holly’s coffee shop. Maybe they vomited after drinking too much soju. Now, let’s say your friend did something worse.

Tell them they’re awful in Korean with this. Has someone done you wrong? Did they leave a whoopee cushion under your sofa pillow? Or place a banana peel right under your foot? How terrible. Anyone that’s obsessed with eating healthy and working out at the gym! Yes! Perfect phrase for any nutjob that’s obsessed with anything like, oh say, K-drama, Anime, K-Pop… oh wait, no. No, it can’t be your terrible Korean skills – you’re damn good and you know it. So, you say something in Korean… And they don’t understand you.
Now you know how to say idiot in Korean! That’s bad Korean words learning progress! This wouldn’t be a “learn bad Korean words” lesson without you learning how to call someone an idiot. Important word to know – 바보야 – babuya – means idiot. Self explanatory and overall great phrase in any situation. Is someone boring you to death? Let them know in Korean! Bad problems.Īh, now this is a perfect insult. Please don’t use this unless you want problems. Definitely not a good thing to say… unless you’re an over-dramatic actor/actress in a Korean drama. So, what’s wrong with you?Īnother good phrase to know… when your friend has drank too much Soju and is bouncing off the walls. Personally, I think this is a good Korean conversational phrase to know overall. We all have something wrong with us! I’m addicted to languages for one.

But some people will be meant to you as well – so, call them a jerk. Now, I know you want to be mean in Korean. Is someone lying to you? This is the perfect phrase to use when you hear someone talking too much! Ooh, this is strong language and some bad Korean words in there. Total opposite of “Please go away” in Korean. Literally this means “off” but it’s not a nice way of telling someone to stop bothering you. Top 15 Bad Korean Words, Curses & Insults
✅ Hey, if you REALLY want to learn & speak Korean with a full learning system + 1,000s of Audio & Video lessons by teachers – Sign up at KoreanClass101 (click here) and start learning! I recommend them as a teacher and a learner. Again, I Warn You: This post contains bad words.Save images for your personal use (as flashcards).Print it out as physical review material (I like printing stuff).In my journeys to learn Spanish, Japanese, Korean, German, Russian… I started with… the BAD words! They’re fun. We’re back! You want to learn korean curses and BAD Korean words, huh? Here’s what I say to you: WELCOME! Why am I so happy you’re learning bad Korean words?Įvery learner starts with bad words.